Welcome To URC's Premier Partners Network

Preferred Partners

We’re thrilled to introduce our outstanding list of trusted partners who are experts in their fields. They can help you reach your goals and dreams. Our team has ensured they are reliable and trustworthy. Call or message us for assistance in connecting with them or for any other needs. We’re here to motivate and inspire you on your journey to success!

Homeowner Resources

Powur Solar

Powur Solar is our trusted solar partner, with a mission to give homeowners access to low cost, clean, reliable energy.

Personal & Business Resources

legal shield

This program helps homeowners to learn how to save on your property taxes.

Homeowner Resources

home tax

This program helps homeowners to learn how to save on your property taxes.

Personal & Finance Resources

Smart credit

Use SmartCredit to view reports, monitor and improve your credit score and protect yourself from identity theft 24/7.

Breaking News

Did You Know
As much as 80% of credit reports have errors?

Get a Free Initial one-on-one consultation! Let’s go over your credit report together and ensure that your report is not unfairly hurting you.

Don't wait any longer to start improving your credit! Sign up now and take the first step towards financial stability and success.

Reach out to us today and get a free credit consultation.